D. Víctor
Albis González D. Oscar Casas
Da. Jeanneth Galeano
D. Edwin
Temas de investigación / Research Topics
· Funciones zeta locales, motívicas, topológicas / Local, motivic and topological zeta functions · Sumas exponenciales, integrales oscilatorias / Exponential sums, oscillatory integrals · Variedades toroidales y poliedros de Newton / Toric varieties and Newton polyhedrae · Análisis p-ádico / p-adic Analysis · Modelos ultramétricos en física / Ultrametric models in phisics · Teoría aritmética de polinomios / Arithmetic theory of polynomials · Historia del álgebra y la teoría de los números / Algebra and number theory history
Presentación del Grupo / About the Group
Financiación proyectos / Financial support
Los proyectos del grupo han sido
financiados en varias oportunidades por
Publicaciones del grupo /Publications
MR2334082 Acosta-Solarte, Pablo A.; Albis, Víctor S. Permutation polynomials in one indeterminate over
modular algebras. Rev.
Acad. Colombiana Cienc. Exact. Fís. Natur. 30 (2006), no. 117, 541--548. 13B25
MR1880598 (2003a:11030) Acosta Solarte,
Pablo A.;Albis, Víctor S. Modular sums of squares.Rev.
Acad. Colombiana Cienc. Exact. Fís. Natur. 25 (2001), no. 97, 553--562. (Reviewer:
Luis H. Gallardo) 11D85 (11E08)
Acosta Solarte, Pablo A.; Albis, Víctor S. A characterization of multivariate
permutation polynomials in positive characteristic. To
Acosta-Solarte, Pablo A. A counterexample to a proposition of R. Mathews. Lect. Mat. 27(2006), 19–20.
Albis, Víctor S.
Raíces primitivas en cuerpos aritméticos de funciones
algebraicas. Lect. Mat. 7 (1986), 15-23.
Albis, Víctor S. Análogos en $F_{q}[x]]
de conjeturas famosas de la teoría de los números. Rev. Acad. Colombiana Ci. Ex. Fi. Nat. 17 (66)(1990), 489-504.
Albis, Víctor S; Camargo, Deisy Y. Pedro J. Sosa: Un gran ingeniero matemático. Rev. Acad. Colombiana Cienc. Exact. Fís. Natur.29 (2005), no. 113, 525-534.
MR2348568Albis, Víctor S. Some
polynomial permutation problems. (Spanish: Polinomios de permutación: Algunos problemas
de interés.) Lect. Mat. 22 (2001), no. 1, 35--58. 11T06 (11T55 11T71)
MR2002624 (2004g:01013) Albis, Víctor Samuel.Mathematical classics: Fermat's letter to Carcavi,
August 1659. (Spanish) Lect. Mat. 20 (1999), no. 2, 137--152. 01A45
MR1871672 (2002j:11144) Albis, Víctor; Zúñiga-Galindo, Wilson.An elementary introduction to the theory of
Igusa local zeta functions. (Spanish) Lect. Mat. 20 (1999), no. 1, 5--33. 11S40
MR1464397 (98g:11130) Albis González, Víctor
Samuel; Chaparro, Raúl. On a conjecture of Borevich and Shafarevich. Rev. Acad. Colombiana
Cienc. Exact.Fís. Natur. 21 (1997), no. 80, 313--319. (Reviewer:
Martha Rzedowski-Calderón) 11R58 (13A35)
Camargo-Galvis, Deisy. Pedro José Sosa y su contribución a
la matemática y la ingeniería colombiana. Lect. Mat. Volumen Especial (2006), 333-346.
Casas, Óscar Francisco. Propiedades analíticas del anillo de polinomios $F_{q}[X]$, Lect. Mat. 22 (2001), 11-33.
Óscar F. Arithmetical functions in two variables. An analogue
of a result of Delange. Lect. Mat.Volumen Especial ( 2006), 5-12.
MR2336020 Rodríguez Vega, John Jaime(CL-UNC). Igusa's local
zeta functions of the du Val-Klein singularities.(English, Spanish summary). Bol. Mat. (N.S.) 13 (2006), no. 2, 100--110.
Rodríguez Vega, John Jaime. The Igusa local zeta function for $x^q –a$. Lect. Mat. 26(2005), 173–176.
Veys W., Zúñiga-Galindo W.A, Zeta functions associated with
polynomial mappings, log-principalization of ideals,
Zuniga-Galindo, W. A., “Corrigendum
to: Decay of solutions of wave-type pseudo- differential equations over p-adic
fields,” Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci.44 (2008), no. 1, 45-48.
Rodríguez Vega, John
Jaime & Zuniga-Galindo, W. A. Taibleson operators, p-adic parabolic equations and ultrametric diffusion. Pacific
J. Math. 237 (2008), no. 2,
MR2250069 (2007h:32039) Zuniga-Galindo, W. A. Decay of solutions of wave-type pseudo-differential
equations over $p$-adic fields. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 42 (2006), no. 2, 461--479. (Reviewer:
Anatoly N. Kochubei) 32S05 (11S80 30G35 35B40 47G30 47S10).
Zúñiga-GalindoW.A., Parabolic Equations and
Markov Processes Over p-adic Fields, Potential Anal. 28,
(2008), 185-200.
Zuniga-Galindo W.A.,Multiparametric exponential sums associated with semiquasi-homogeneous polynomial mappings, Finite FieldsAppl. 13 (2007), no. 4, 936-945.
MR2224596 (2007a:11160) Zuniga-Galindo, W. A. Local zeta function for nondegenerate
homogeneous mappings. Pacific J. Math. 218 (2005), no. 1, 187--200. (Reviewer: Margaret
M. Robinson) 11S40 (11D79)
MR2098087 (2006b:11150) Saia, M. J.; Zuniga-Galindo, W. A. Local zeta function for curves, non-degeneracy
conditions and Newton polygons. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357 (2005), no. 1, 59--88 (electronic).
(Reviewer: Willem Veys) 11S40 (11S80 14G10)
MR2079362 (2005g:11237) Zuniga-Galindo, W. A. Pseudo-differential equations connected with $p$-adic
forms and local zeta functions. Bull. Austral.Math. Soc. 70 (2004), no. 1, 73--86. (Reviewer: Margaret M.
Robinson) 11S40 (35S99)
MR2065844 (2005h:11269) Zuniga-Galindo, W. A. $p$-adic oscillatory integrals and
MR2038719 (2005c:11149) Zuniga-Galindo, W. A. On the poles of Igusa's
local zeta function for algebraic sets. Bull. London Math.Soc. 36 (2004), no. 3, 310--320. (Reviewer: Margaret
M. Robinson) 11S40 (14M25)
MR2046406 (2005c:11148) Zuniga-Galindo, W. A. Computing Igusa's local zeta
functions of univariate polynomials, and linear
feedback shift registers. J. Integer
Seq. 6 (2003), no. 3, Article 03.3.6, 18 pp. (electronic).
(Reviewer: Margaret M. Robinson) 11S40 (94A55)
MR2019519 (2004h:11098) Zuniga-Galindo, W. A. Local
zeta functions and Newton polyhedra. Nagoya Math. J. 172 (2003), 31--58. (Reviewer: Margaret M.
Robinson) 11S40 (11L05)
MR1997990 (2004e:11137) Zuniga-Galindo, W. A. Fundamental
solutions of pseudo-differential operators over $p$-adic fields. Rend. Sem.
Mat. Univ. Padova 109 (2003), 241--245. (Reviewer: Anatoly
N. Kochubei) 11S80 (11S40 35S99 47G30)
MR1968024 (2004a:11083)Zuniga-Galindo, W. A. Exponential sums along $p$-adic curves. Finite Fields Appl. 9 (2003), no. 2, 140--149. (Reviewer: Robin
Chapman) 11L03 (11G20)
MR1608309 (2001j:11116) Zúñiga-Galindo, W.
A. Igusa's local zeta functions of semiquasihomogeneous
polynomials. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 353 (2001), no. 8, 3193--3207. (Reviewer:
Margaret M. Robinson) 11S40
Artículos en elaboración / Papers
in progress
Observación / Remark
Versiones iniciales de buena parte de los artículos mencionados antes están disponibles en www.arxiv.org / Preliminary versions of most of the fore mentioned papers are available at www.arxiv.org
Tesis y trabajos de grado
/ Undergraduate Reports and Thesis
Tesis de Maestría / Master’s thesis
Tesis y trabajos de grado en elaboración / Thesis and undergraduatepapers in progress